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About St Abraam

During his first Pastoral visit to Australia, His Holiness was concerned about the large crowd (approximately 4000) which flocked to attend the Pontifical liturgy at St Anthony's Church in Guildford.


His Holiness strongly encouraged the establishment of another church in the outer Western suburbs.

Through the efforts of Mr Ramsis Naguib, negotiations immediately commenced with the owners of the Baptist Convention Centre at Macquarie Fields. 


Upon His Holiness' return from Melbourne on December 8,1989, he was invited to inspect the Centre and signed the contract for the purchase of Sydney's seventh Coptic Church to the delight of the entire congregation.


In January 1990, His Holiness delegated Fr Philopos to serve as parish priest at St Abraam Church. A very energetic and creative priest, Fr Philopos invested tireless efforts in laying the foundation for effective service to both the Parishioners of Anba Abraam Church, and to the wider Coptic Community of Sydney. The ten hectare property in the outer South- Western suburbs of Sydney has facilities which include a conference hall, eight dormitories, recreational area, swimming pool, and BBQ area.


In January 1993, Fr Daniel El An-touny and Fr Sourial Youssef were delegated to serve the parish and cultivate the services and activities of the centre.


In 1995, Fr Mina Diskoros was delegated to serve at the parish and continue serving the congregation of Anba Abraam.


In January 2002, by the hands of the late Pope Shenouda III, Fr Paula Balamon was ordained as a priest for Anba Abraam, helping Fr Mina with the service.


December 2015, Fr Paul Fanous was ordained a priest by HG Bishop Daniel and  In March 2015, under guidance of HG Bishop Daniel was delegated to serve the growing amount of youth, under tutelage of Fr Mina and Fr Paula


April 2018, the new English church was built and the very first liturgy was prayed with HG Bishop Daniel on the Feast of the Resurrection 2018


Fr Peter Atta is now delegated to help serve the ever-growing youth, ordained early 2024.

St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church

St Abraam Long Point

St Abraam Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church

St Abraam Long Point

St Abraam Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church
2 Wills Rd, Long Point NSW 2564

St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church

St Abraam Long Point

St Abraam Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church

St Abraam Long Point

St Abraam Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Sydney

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St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church

St Abraam Long Point

St Abraam Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church

St Abraam Long Point

St Abraam Sydney

St Abraam Coptic Sydney

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