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COVID-19 Church Service Update


We are very happy to announce, that in accordance with the release of restrictions across NSW and the recent statement by the Diocese, we are now able to return to face-to-face services at St Abraam Church. 

We can resume all services at St Abraam Church (including all Liturgical services, Bible Studies, Youth Meetings, Sunday School, Sports services, Canteen, Bookshop and Coffee Shop services), abiding by all social distancing requirements. 

We would like to thank you all for your tireless patience as the Church navigated all of these restrictions, and we request, and are sure, that you will continue to help us and the servants implement any further restrictions or social distancing at St Abraam Church. 

The Liturgy time-table for this Sunday and the following Sunday's is as follows:
1. Old English Church - 7:30am - 9:30am
2. English Church - 8am - 10am
3. Arabic Church - 8am - 10am

Sunday School will begin at 11:30am - please contact your servants for locations or any specific details about your class. 

Once the Churches are full you will be requested to stand outside, and will be allowed to participate in Holy Communion at the end of the Liturgy. 

We look forward to worshipping together in person once again.

Please use the following link if you would like to subscribe, or if you know anyone who would like to subscribe, to the email announcements:



God bless you,
St Abraam Church

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Covid19 donations
Committee Announcement


“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)

We pray for your safety in these difficult times. As you are all aware by now, our church is amongst all churches around Australia instructed to be closed for services and gatherings. Most of the church’s income was from the congregation graciously donating at church each week and spending money at the various facilities at our church. The church has numerous bills still required to be paid and a loan amount that needs to be serviced.

We urge our community to support our church during these difficult times with constant prayers and humbling donations via direct deposits.

Below you will find St Abraam Coptic Church account and the tax-deductible Pope Shenouda III Centre account. All donations to Pope Shenouda Coptic Centre account all tax deductible.

Donating into our church accounts via direct deposit and setting up a recurring donation, will allow our church to sustain its payments and continue to be a home to us all.

God bless you all and keep everyone safe.

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; For God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)


كل واحد كما ينوي بقلبه، ليس عن حزن أو اضطرار. لأن المعطي المسرور يحبه الرب .
نصلي من أجل سلامتكم جميعا في هذه الأيام الصعبة ،
إن قرار الحكومة بإغلاق دور العبادة له تداعيات روحيّة وماليّة كبيرة على كل الكنائس وخصوصا كنيسة الأبنا ابرآم. فمع توقف
الخدمات توقفت كل مصادر الدخل مثل التبرعات والكانتين والمطبخ والكافيه.
للأسف الفواتير وأقساط القرض لم تتوقف، ومع كامل ثقتنا في تدبير الرب كما علمنا أنبا إبرآم "لا حوزنا ولا عوزنا" نطلب منكم
جميعا المشاركة بالتحويل ال بنكي المباشر في حسابات الكنيسة والمركز أدناه، والرب يعوض تعب محبتكم.
جميع التبرعات في حساب مركز البابا شنودة معفاة من الضرائب .

St Abraam Church Account
Name: St Abraam Coptic Orthodox
BSB: 062199
Account: 10012672

Pope Shenouda III Coptic Centre Account
Name: Pope Shenouda III Coptic Centre 
BSB: 062199
Account: 00905761



God bless you,
St Abraam Church

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